Do you need a speaker
for your event?

 I’m your girl!

Let me entertain and empower
your audience and they will find
their own inner Hellcat and walk
away inspired to contribute!
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Presentation to Global Gaming Women: Getting Back to Normal

GGW Virtual Master Class Series : Get back to “normal”?? How about we get back to better!  Empowering yourself and others (remotely or otherwise) with Lorrie Bamford : June 9, 2020

Watch Full Video Presentation Here

Hellcat's Hope: Journaling

Journaling Master, Lorrie Hellcat Bamford, presents a lively and easy to follow process on how to journal and love it. Hellcat teaches how to use journaling as a beautiful tool to clean out your mind, find a clear path to your dreams and goals, and how NOT to be afraid of it; rather, embrace it as an easy, daily habit. Hellcat shares specific, easy ways you can begin journaling or get the most out of your journaling if you're already a journaling guru.